
Im Global Im Global Im Global Im Global

Most admired Virtual Incubator Program - iDesign

The IM Global Premium Virtual Incubation Program iDesign is cutting-edge initiative designed to support startups from around the world in their journey towards success. This intensive program spans over four months, providing startups with the tools, mentorship, and resources necessary to thrive in the competitive business landscape.

Program Summary

Diverse business owners have historically encountered many obstacles to success. To battle these injustices, Incubation Masters Global developed the Virtual Incubator Program , iDesign. This program will allow up to 20 businesses in one batch with ownership from an underserved population the opportunity to sustain themselves through these trying economic times by offering education and access to capital.

iDesign will provide the benefits businesses would get from a traditional business incubator in a virtual setting, in addition to providing access to capital to these entrepreneurs upon completion of the program. While businesses have struggled to find resources in the current economic climate, our goal is to provide them with the support they need. The program will include virtual training sessions, group, and one-on-one mentoring.

Unique benefits of iDesign

Process of Evaluation

Founder Information

Business Information

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